The invention is a changing cape. Meaning, it's a very large cover-up that you can change out of your gear and into your clothes under. The cape is long enough that, if you even pull it up over your head to, e.g., pull on a shirt while using the chaning cape, it's still long enough to keep you entirely covered up.
What are the essential features and how is the invention different from what has come before:
The changing cape is very large. It goes from wrist-to-wrist as well as below your knees. You are able to change entirely inside of your cape without using sleeves. Basically, you are covered in your own personal tent. There are pockets inside of the cape so your underclothes are right there within reach so you don't need to lift up the cape, or go outside of the cape, the have your underclothes in hand.
What new quality does it incorporate which is not part of anything done prior?
The capes are made entirely of cotton fabric. That keeps them cool in the summer and they are absorbent so you don't need to bring an extra towel. Folded up, they are about the size of a thick kitchen hand towel so they are quite compact. Not need to bring an additional towel with you is just another bonus.
The pockets inside are also amazing! I have my underclothes already in there before I even head out for my latest diving adventure.
What are the inventive and non-obvious steps in coming up with the new invention?
This one is kind of tough for me to answer because about 2 weeks into scuba diving, the need for this product was pretty obvious to me. Seriously, why hasn't anyone thought of this before... But, let me try...
I came up with the invention because the current products on the market didn't cover me up enough to change my underclothes, including a shirt under. I'd have to use a (usually very VERY disgusting & unclean) bathroom to change in. Having this changing cape, I can change right outside next to my vehicle without needing to go anywhere. That means, no waiting for someone in front of me in the bathroom. No dropping my clothes on disgusting floors, etc.
Additionally, the changing capes are made entirely of cotton and that gives it an added bonus of drying you off as you are changing. No need to bring a towel.
There are two pockets INSIDE of the changing cape for your under clothes. That way, you don't need to pick up the cape to grab your under clothes if you just put them in one of the pockets instead. Since there is room for your arms inside of the changing cape, you have room to move and room to dress, without worrying about privacy or arm holes or size.
Speaking of size, these are large area changing capes. For example, if you were as wide as you were tall, it would still fit you - that's how much room you have to move. There are two small holes for your hands if you wanted to reach outside of your cape but small enough to not expose anything if your hands are inside of the cape and then a neck hole, which is large enough to pull on and off of your head as you're changing out of a wet (or dirty) shirt and into dry (and clean) clothes.
What is the practical purpose?
I'm just going to be a little funny here - sorry. Here were the problems.... 1) You've just had a great dive and there is no place to change, and all of your friends diving with you also need to change. Who needs and open area changing area where you and all of your friends are chaning in the open. 2) Okay, so you don't want to change in the open - you can do the backseat twister idea and try to take off your wet clothes, dry off, and then put on your dry clothes, while laying in your back seat. omg, seriously, maybe 30 years ago when I was in my teens. 3) Okay, no open air, community changing, no back seat twister, how about opening both of your car doors on one side and making a little two-sided shield. lol, there are windows still - and - hahahaha, someone can now see you from the two sides of the car where to doors are WIDE open. 4) okay, so, how do you have privacy when 1-3 are just not options... Guys can wrap a towel around their waist, but really, no one wants to see guys half naked while they are getting dressed. and forget about trying to put on women's under clothes using a towel. hahahahaha, no way. 5) okay, the honor method, just look away. okay, that works. that totally works, and totally happens in the movies.
How is it unique?
There is currently no full sized cape that someone can completely change under. There are coat type or wrap around type products (for example a towel or a "boat coat") but they can't work for people who want to be covered up to the neck and have enough elbow room to change in and out of clothes under.
Really rough draft stuff to get the gears moving...
People ask about why I don't make the capes is other fun colors. Truth is, you're naked under there, you'll want dark fabric, really. Dark and Navy Blue.
Pockets are on the inside - for your underclothes. No one wants you to lift up your cape to grab your skibbies.
Just think about all of the good this product gives, not only you, but so many others. No more accidental walking up and talking to you while you're undressing, no more accidental "moons" coming out early
You'll never see a group shot of a bunch of us wearing our capes, because, well, we're all naked under there.
Where you can use these (1) to change on a boat (or to keep warm) (2) to cover up if you need to sit on the "bucket facilities" on the boat, (3) after a long, dirty bike ride and you want to change out of your icky clothes before you get in the car (4) at the beach, and while you can't change your dog out of his wet fur, you can change your kids out of their clothes to make sure they don't carry in any of the interesting beach life they have accumulated in their shorts or pockets
For the girls - you know you need to pull on things over your head - here is your solution. You can actually lift the cape up over your head (so you're totally inside of the cape) and can pull items on over your head all hidden inside of your cape. It's even long enough to NOT be too short when you pull it up to be over your head
World's best changing poncho option for women.
We are actually less expensive than boat coats, beach ponchos, etc. A good one will cost $200. While that's great, and the company will love making that much money, we'd rather everyone have one by keeping it affordable and spreading decorum and privacy around the world.
Spell out why we are different from regular ponchos. Let's face it ladies, we need our arms INSIDE the cape so we can work the straps and clips. Guys have it easier...they can go topless. Our capes have TONS of room inside, PLUS pockets to put you underclothes in - whatever they are - we don't judge (or really even want to know - lol). Our capes are roomy. Elbow room, bending room, arms outstretched room, pull up over your head room, Just lots of room to move, maneuver, and put yourself together, while standing right there where others are.
Spell out why we are different from regular ponchos. Let's face it ladies, we need our arms INSIDE the cape so we can work the straps and clips. Guys have it easier...they can go topless. Our capes have TONS of room inside, PLUS pockets to put you underclothes in - whatever they are - we don't judge (or really even want to know - lol).
Not done.... This what we are about - Why we are here. Some people go to my site and they honestly don't know WHAT we are about.
Who wants to change in a small, dirty, gross bathroom.
Pockets are inside of the cape so you have your underclothes handy and don't need to pick up your cape
We are spreading the joys of privacy and making sure there are no accidental flashing (since, well, not just to protect my eyes but also the kids, dogs, birds, etc.
We are all about the gear you'll need for diving but, gear for when you are OUT of the water.
Cape Design:
Capes are made with 100% cotton, only 100% cotton, for absorbency and softness that is exceptional. Truth be told, this is why they are so expensive. Buying cotton fabric this size is more expensive than you'd think, but makes this a superior product. Using cheaper fabric may save money on the materials expense but the quality will suffer. Microfiber fabric is too warm, too "sticky" when it's wet, too thin to hang well causing it to be a bit clingy. Plain polyester fabric is too thin, does not absorb water, and too warm in hotter weather.
All capes are made in black or navy blue so they are not transparent - no light goes through so they aren't see-through.
Capes are two different sizes. Smaller capes have to be requested and will be custom tailored to fit.
Neck opening is 13 inches for all sizes. The inside neck fabric matches the pocket fabric. Logo is placed, from the edge of the neck opening, 3" in and 3" down. You can see a better pic of the logo placement on the pic at the bottom on the dive shop display mannequin. Neck seams are double-stitched around the opening for reinforcement/durability.
Hand opening is 6" on all capes. The sides are sewn entirely up the side except for the last 6" so you can put your hand through the side if needed.
Pocket sizes for all capes are 9 1/2" wide x 7 1/2" high (and match the inside neck fabric). There are two pockets in each cape place 1/2" apart. The pockets are big enough so hold underclothes but small enough to find things easily and the contents not fall out. Pockets on all capes are 22" down from the cape opening. Pocket seams are double sewn for durability.
The width of the cape (from finger tip to finger tip) is: 68 inches - for Large (which is for a person who is 5'6' - 5'10") 81 inches - for X-Large (which is for a person who is 5'10" - 6'3") Generally, the cape should be as wide as the person is tall so there is plenty of room to move arms without any restriction.
The length of the cape (from neck opening to bottom of hem below the knee is: 40 inches - for Large (which is for a person who is 5'6' - 5'10") 58 inches - for X-Large (which is for a person who is 5'10" - 6'3") Generally, the cape is long enough to pull it up over your head so you can remain entirely under it if you need to pull a shirt on, over your head, while staying entirely under the cover of the cape (and it stay at about knee length maintaining privacy).
Inside view of capes:
This cape just happens to have a red collar with red pockets. The collar and pockets are made with a wide assortment of colors, e.g., green, yellow, etc, even made one with Florida Gators fabric (with a matching ground cover - lol).
Outside view of capes:
You can see the logo placement better in these photos.